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Like a picnic...

Writer: ksdlondonksdlondon

Three weeks ago,

Persis said… "Lydia grows a lot of flowers for cutting for the shrine and the centre and so this is something she asked me to do for the flower cutting garden. These are Dahlia Tubers which she dug up in the autumn and has kept dry and cool right through the winter. She said that quite often when they go straight back in the ground, and the shoots start coming up, they are slug attractors and so they quite often get eaten. So the idea here is to grow them on in pots for a month until they are big enough that they can hold their own and then plant them out.  So, yesterday we had four massive clumps of tuber, and now we've got 13 baby plants. I divided them and this morning I have planted them up. When you cut them you have to make sure that you have have got some of the central stem where last years flower was growing from because thats where the buds are for the new flowers. So the actual big tubers are like a picnic, that’s dinner. But if you just planted one of those without any stem it would just rot in the ground because there is nothing to grow and make roots. We will keep them inside for possibly less than a month because it is very warm, possibly two or three weeks. I won’t water them very often, they just need to be damp, but not soaked otherwise they will rot. From each plant you get two three four plants, and then they themselves over the summer will grow loads of tubers and they will divide again so each time you can get four or five times. "

Here are some pics from day 1 to day 21!



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