"Peace comes from within, don't seek it without"
Ben writes:
I have now been on retreat at KSDL for two weeks, having recently left my extremely busy job in the heart of the corporate world. And I admit: it’s taking time to unwind. Going on retreat in my own home has been in some ways more challenging. I am in a place I have to a degree associated with hectic London life and am amidst the familiar triggers that seduce me into busy London mentality.
However, I am grateful for this challenge. This period of quiet is an opportunity to rework my habits in my home so that when my retreat - and Coronavirus - is over, I have a more stable, grounded, quiet set of habits.
And I suggest that reworking our habits is possible for everyone, not just people on retreat. This world is filled with so many excitements that rip us away from ourselves. Well, now that we’re gifted with excitement deprivation, it provides us with an opportunity to observe ourselves and change our habits. And if we make the most of it, hopefully we can carry on this mentality when it’s all over. Through sitting daily with the residents at KSDL at 8.30am, I am feeling much more connected. And what’s more, just having the camera in the room with us is having an unexpectedly strong effect. It really feels like you’re all there with us. I feel you all and you are all in my prayers. If you haven’t sat with us yet, please do so! The world needs it more than ever. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC8U97BrNM0Wct3llIRSmEFg
