An extract from ~ Li Bai
"People who are far apart still share the moonlight..."
~ Chinese Proverb

Simon writes...
Suddenly, with little warning, we have been thrown apart, isolated, separated. Our lives have been upturned and the people whose closeness we need most seem strangely distant and inaccessible.
But, in another way, we have never been so connected. For the first time in the modern era, everyone in the world is struggling with the same anxiety and fear. Just for a short while we understand each other like never before.
Though for some the suffering and loss will be deeper, a unique sense of empathy and compassion prevails across the entire planet. Let us hope and pray that this may continue when the crisis has passed. What an amazing opportunity is presented to us.
Look at the full moon tonight and think of the billions of people around the world who are seeing the same moonlight and whose minds are filled with the same thoughts as yours, in hundreds of different languages. Let us feel compassion for all sentient beings. May they be free from suffering and rejoice in the well-being of others, free from greed and hatred.
Thank you Simon. I looked at our beautiful moon last night through a different lens after reading your post. Amongst other things, a reminder of our connection to all sentient beings.
A lovely reminder. Thanks Simon...🙏🌝✨