"Recognising our intimate dependence on the natural environment allows us to see its true value and treasure it. " ~17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje
...Bird bath...
Sarah writes... I am ashamed to admit that I've always had a bit of an aversion to living in London. Coming from the outskirts of a city in Zimbabwe, I grew up taking the nature I was surrounded with for granted. After leaving home I realised how access to green spaces is not so much a desire as a need for human beings. However, I always thought that London was in many ways a concrete jungle, and would never have envisioned spending great lengths of time here. Upon recent reflection, I can see how wrong my perception was about this city. There is actually a great deal of care and attention given to parks and riversides, and many people in this city spend a lot of their time maintaining and looking after these spaces. When I go to water the allotment on Sunday evening, there are often others there (all more than 2 metres away of course) caring for their plots of land to create a beautiful and peaceful sanctuary. Spa Garden, opposite the centre, although relatively small compared to the other parks of London, has also been an earthy refuge, and walking there helps us all feel a bit more connected to something bigger than ourselves. Within the centre, Persis has been very busy potting and planting. To encourage more birds, she has built a beautiful little pond in the herb spiral. The other day we even spotted a bird swimming in it! There have also been nests in the courtyard and front gulley with baby chicks, and a lovely Robin that jumps around near the back benches most afternoons. When I am quiet, I can hear all the birds and I'm so appreciative for the Season of Spring, with the blossoming flowers, the sunshine and the warm air. Maybe this week we can all try make an extra effort to be appreciative of the quiet green parts of London, and also for those wonderful people that recognise our need for these spaces, and so maintain and care for them.
Thank you for sharing such a lovely blog and colourful pictures. I have just returned from our holiday home in the Eastern Highlands in Zimbabwe (which also doubles up as a retreat centre) - so privileged to also see some new birds in the gardens there. What a joy.
Thanks Sarah for your words and pictures. I felt connected with Samye Dzong. A lovely feeling.
Nice thoughts 😊