Sarah writes...
Today's post is just to let you all know that we have started a Hairdressing Salon at KSD. We are working on a name, maybe, "Shears and Tears". Anyways, so far Ben, Tom, Grace, and Charlie have allowed me to, "trim" their hair. For some reason Simon is resisting; this could be due to the perfect ovular bald patch at the back of Tom's head. But it was merely artistic expression and hair grows back, so I really don't know what he is so afraid of!
The other night Tom joined the ranks as I entrusted my straggly brown locks to his keeping. There was one point where he picked up this strange pair of scissors (for thinning apparently?) and said, "I wonder what these do?" and then with resounded energy and enthusiasm continued his work.
Pictures below of our work! And don't worry, we are contemplating on taking our practice further after the lockdown ...
In the acts...

Finishing works!
I think you all look jolly good. I could do with a haircut too !!