'Fear comes from uncertainty. If you know exactly how you are going to handle this frightful situation, then you have no fear. Fear comes from panic, the bewilderment of uncertainty. Uncertainty is related to distrust in yourself, feeling that you are inadequate to deal with that mysterious problem which is threatening you. There is no fear if you really have a compassionate relationship with yourself, because then you know what you are doing. If you know what you are doing, then your projections also become methodical or predictable, in some sense. Then one develops prajna, knowledge of how to relate to any given situation.'
- Chögyam Trungpa
This period of chaos elicits fear only if we lose touch with ourselves. The global response to come back to ourselves, to retreat, is providing an exquisite opportunity to find quiet amidst the storm. With simplicity forced upon us, we cannot help but confront our emotional situation. When we feel panic and fear, we can work with it as an inspiration to meditate, to skilfully navigate our minds. And when we do so in the most challenging circumstances, the stability that blossoms nourishes all those around us.
- Ben Lucas
