“The essence of warriorship, or the essence of human bravery, is refusing to give up on anyone or anything.”
~Chogyam Trungpa, Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior
Sarah writes... Maybe with such an abrupt halt to our daily routines (and distractions) some of our difficulties, or, "demons", can rise to the surface. I have definitely found this with myself as certain habitual tendencies that I have normally managed to keep under control seem to be reappearing. In reflection, the meaning behind this quote has been so apparent in the world over the past few weeks. It's seen in the never ending fight and stamina of healthcare workers as they are stretched to the limit to care for thousands each day. It's also seen in the efforts of volunteers and usual people as we try to assist and help each other during this time in such a variety of ways. Even in the centre, the constant support through daily practice sessions, and a general attitude of warmth and care, is in itself a belief that there is value in every person. Therefore, if certain difficulties are arising, it is so empowering to read this quote to see how many people are refusing to give up on humanity, and so by doing so we are encouraged to never give up on ourselves.

Thank you Sarah for the reminder on how important it is to be kind to ourselves. The photo that accompanied this blog is particular beautiful. Thank you for the time spent by yourself and the other volunteers in providing such insightful quotations and personal viewpoints and experiences. I can't wait to receive the daily blog into my Inbox. xx Mum/Pam